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March 07
03:03 2023 talks about Symptoms and Treatment of Necrotizing Fasciitis

Necrotizing fasciitis is a rare but sometimes deadly type of infection caused by flesh-eating bacteria. The bacteria responsible usually enter the body following an acute injury, although there are cases where blunt force trauma causes their introduction. This article will offer a brief but thorough overview of what causes necrotizing fasciitis, how to recognize its symptoms, and what doctors can do to help. So take a look at here now to get an idea of what this type of infection looks like. 

Causes of Necrotizing Fasciitis

There are multiple types of bacteria that can cause necrotizing fasciitis, but according to, group A Streptococcus bacteria are usually to blame. Most of the time, the bacteria enters a patient’s body through a cut, burn, abrasion, puncture, or surgical wound. Insect bites can also allow the introduction of Streptococcus bacteria.

Risk Factors

The most obvious risk factor for the development of necrotizing fasciitis is the presence of an open wound. However, the vast majority of people with open wounds will not develop the disease. Only around 600-700 cases are diagnosed in the United States each year, most of which can be treated successfully by specialists at clinics like the Burn and Reconstructive Centers of America.

There are several underlying health conditions that predispose people to the development of necrotizing fasciitis. The most common of them is a weakened immune system. However, elderly Americans are also more likely to develop certain kinds of necrotizing fasciitis, especially if they also struggle with obesity, kidney disease, cirrhosis of the liver, or cancer.

Symptoms of Necrotizing Fasciitis

Of the 5 things to know about the flesh-eating disease tied to invasive strep, the most crucial is how to recognize its early symptoms. They can be confusing and tend to develop quickly. Because early treatment is of the utmost importance, people should contact their doctors as soon as they notice any of the following symptoms.

Quickly spreading redness, warmth, or swelling of the skin.

Severe pain that extends beyond the obviously affected skin area

A fever.

Ulcers or blisters on the skin.

Black spots and other changes in skin coloration.

Pus oozing from the infected area.

Dizziness and fatigue.

Diarrhea or nausea.

If doctors suspect that necrotizing fasciitis might be to blame, they will take additional steps to diagnose it. Those steps typically involve performing a biopsy, checking blood work for signs of both infection and muscle damage, and using CT scans, MRIs, or ultrasound images of the affected area. Doctors who are fairly confident that their patients have this type of infection may start treatment before receiving all of the test results.

Available Treatments

Doctors typically begin by giving a patient IV antibiotics. This approach only works if the infection is in its early stages, though. If it has progressed to the point where the bacteria have caused substantial tissue destruction and blood flow reductions, the affected tissue must be surgically removed. Patients commonly need multiple surgeries, and some may even need to have affected limbs amputated.

Seek Help Immediately

The most important takeaway here is that anyone who believes they may have necrotizing fasciitis should seek medical care immediately. People who are at higher risk of developing the disease and those who have recently undergone surgery or experienced severe traumatic injuries should be particularly aware of their risk. The best way to minimize the impact of this potentially devastating disease is to get help before it begins to spread.


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